The Bob Key
For every first video of a game the first viewer to discover the earliest appearance of Bob gets a free Steam key!
How does it work? Well that's pretty simple! Bob is our budgie (parakeet) and often has an unplanned cameo in my videos. The description of every video that's eligible to a free Steam key (or bobkey) will be mentioning to which game a key is made available.
All you have to do is find the first time Bob speaks up and post a comment to that video with the proper timestamp. I will tally responses after a week and the first one with the earliest (valid) timestamp will receive the free Steam key!
Only the first video of a game is eligible to this contest and the description of the game (on youtube and on this site) will tell you in that case for which game you can win a key.
- - These keys are obtained through game bundles. They are the games I already had so the keys are my dupes. I have not shared them with anybody else. As such I can only promise that the key cannot have been used for as far as I know. The only guarantee I can make is that the keys I give away are valid and unused to the best of my knowledge. I stake my professional reputation on that. As such I will not issue another key if somebody reports it as "used". I'm not expecting this to happen but just in case...
- - If Bob has no cameo you can't win a key. I guess it can happen and I don't check for this myself.
- - The winning timestamp must be correct but does not have to be the first appearance, as long as nobody else reports an earlier one. A timestamp is rounded down to the second, according to the timing on youtube, in which Bob is heard. Most of the time I have local recordings with microphone tracks only, so I can confirm with more certainty, but no confirmation is given before the end.
- - If the description has no mention of the key then you cannot win one for that video.
- - Keys can only be claimed in the first week after a video was published.
- - When in doubt I am right. This is not the end of the world.
I wish Steam would allow me to just register dupe keys and put the dupes in my account to trade away through Steam market. This would save everybody so much agony...