Gigantic Army
You're a guy in a mech suit. The world seems to be attacked by a bunch of robots. Your job, should you choose to accept it, not that you have a choice, is to destroy them. All of them.
This platformer looks much like a DOS game. However, when you look at the detail it is quite awesome. Very pretty, especially how the background interweaves. Considering that, it's a shame the actual gameplay is so simplistic in nature. Enemy AI seems to be non-existing and infinitely respawning enemies a clear indication of cheap gameplay content.
That kind of sums it up for me actually. It feels like an old game, but I always found those games lacking in being an actual game. So coming from a guy that never cared much for Contra, take it with a grain of salt :)
Verdict: If dumb platformers are your thing, this game will be great. It looks great regardless, but gameplay is pretty limited. Both in AI and in player control. I didn't really like the game but that doesn't make it a bad game. Per se.
Familiarity: Never played it before. Next mech I pick up will be in a different game.