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Dear diary, the game I is called "Brawl".



This is a Bomberman clone but very pretty. There's a dark theme around it and you can pick from 8 different characters to play as, 4 which need to be unlocked.

Each character seems to have its own tiny single player campaign around it. This is actually well executed and more like a tutorial of the character abilities than actual single player campaign, but okay.

I do hope, and expect, that there's more variety in terms of gameplay than what I've seen. More types of powerups and more level hazards. But looking at the Steam screenshots I think that's indeed the case.

Verdict: It's been a while since I played Bomberman. This seems to be a well executed clone of that game, with great graphics. I like it.

Familiarity: Not played before. Well, not this game, anyways.

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