Steam Marines
You're controlling a squad of four mercs and are exploring a space ship. Control is a bit simple, maybe too simple, but at least walls are no problem.
You can loot stuff and shoot robots. I'm not sure about balancing. In my only real playthrough I seemed to get pretty ganked by the enemy robots. But that may have been my own fault. I intend to find out.
The art looks good, nice pixel art. The game seems pretty solidly implemented. Yeah the main catch for me was the little too much freedom in movement. I'd keep on destroying walls. Which is nice at first but really just wasteful later on, when it counts.
Verdict: It looks like a good game, nice pixel art, random generation. I worry about balancing but can't tell from the one playthrough. I think I'll play some more to find out.
Familiarity: Not played before
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